Hi! 👋 I am a Computational Social Scientist who specializes in political science, and statistical analysis, social network analysis and data visualization. I am a Political Scientist and am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Social Data Science at the University of Essex in the UK, thanks to my receipt of Chevening Scholarship.

I’ve had a number of exciting roles over the years, including being a research assistant at Columbia University, coordinated the Network Observatory research Group at the University of Buenos Aires, worked as a data analyst consultant at UNESCO, and being an advisor for the National Direction of Access to Public Information in Argentina.

I’m also a passionate educator and have taught and coordinated several courses, including Introduction to R for Social Scientists, Machine Learning with R, and Introduction to Python. And even gave a R-ladies talk! (check it in the workshop’s section!)

I have a keen interest in conducting reproducible and transparent data analysis in R. For more information, please feel free to peruse my blog.

Guada Gonzalez

Hi! 👋 I am a Computational Social Scientist who specializes in political science, and statistical analysis, social network analysis and data visualization. I am a Political Scientist and am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Social Data Science at the University of Essex in the UK, thanks to my receipt of Chevening Scholarship.

I’ve had a number of exciting roles over the years, including being a research assistant at Columbia University, coordinated the Network Observatory research Group at the University of Buenos Aires, worked as a data analyst consultant at UNESCO, and being an advisor for the National Direction of Access to Public Information in Argentina.

I’m also a passionate educator and have taught and coordinated several courses, including Introduction to R for Social Scientists, Machine Learning with R, and Introduction to Python. And even gave a R-ladies talk! (check it in the workshop’s section!)

I have a keen interest in conducting reproducible and transparent data analysis in R. For more information, please feel free to peruse my blog.